
What is USDT BSc token (USDT) in Binance smart chain TESTNET?

USDT BSC Token (USDT) ERC20 Token in Binance Smart Chain Testnet. Token is implemented as ERC20 smart contract with address 0x377533d0e68a22cf180205e9c9ed980f74bc5050 .

What is tether USD on BSc (USDT)?

Tether USD on BSC (USDT) ERC20 Token in Binance Smart Chain Mainnet. Token is implemented as ERC20 smart contract with address 0x69bab60997a2f5cbee668e5087dd9f91437206bb .

Did BSc metamask add USDT as a custom token?

In the first two cases, they probably didn’t add USDT as a custom token in the MetaMask wallet. The third guy mentions that he added USDT token in BSC MetaMask – but it is still not showing. Well, he probably added USDT token contract address for USDT ERC20, not BEP20.

